Understanding Worker's Compensation Benefits

After being injured at work, an employee is entitled to a number of different benefits. While these benefits vary slightly from one state to the next, it is a good idea to have a general understanding of what they are. This understanding will help you if you find yourself in a situation where you were hurt while at work.

Medical Treatment

An injured employee has the right to receive all needed medical treatments in order to both relieve and cure the injury and all of its symptoms. This includes medical compensation for prescriptions, therapy, medical bills, and mileage to and from the hospital. Depending on your employer's compensation plan, you may be required to go to a specific doctor or a specific clinic. However, most compensation plans have a minimum number of days you have to see the company doctor before you can see someone else.

Temporary Disability

If you are required to take time away from work because of the symptoms of the injury, you are entitled to receive temporary disability payments. The purpose of these payments are to make it to where you continue to receive the wages you would have received if you are working. This makes it possible for you to continue to pay your bills while you cannot work. Every compensation comes equipped with its own minimum and maximum payouts. A doctor has to verify that you are unable to work before the check will be approved.

Permanent Disability

Unfortunately, there are situations where the effects of an injury at work prevent a person from ever returning to work. In this situation, your employer would have a significant financial responsibility to you. How much compensation you are entitled to depends on just how much the injury limits you. If the chances of you returning to any type of employment are slim, the compensation would be a significantly larger than someone who would just need to work a less demanding job.

When you return to work after time off due to injury, it does not necessarily mean your benefits will be stopped. Whether or not your benefits are stopped depends on whether you are coming back and returning to the number of hours you worked before the injury. It is also relative to whether you are starting at the same wage you had before you left, or if your employer is increasing your wage. If you are not going to be making the same amount as you were before due to hours, it is normal for your benefits to continue for a brief period of time. Consult a company like Prediletto, Halpin, Scharnikow & Nelson, P.S. for more information.
