10 Quick Tips For Surviving Divorce Court

While it is always preferable to work out your divorce issues and avoid going to court, sometimes that is just not possible. Divorce is a complicated proceeding, and disagreements that revolve around support, custody and the division of debt and property can be difficult sometimes to work out without an impartial party's opinion. When it seems inevitable that you will need to have a judge help you to work out your differences, following the 10 tips below will help you to deal with the stress involved in divorce litigation.  

1.  Even if you still end up in court, every issue that you can agree about in advance will lessen the time and expense involved in litigation. Mediation is required in some states, and can be a valuable way to work through many disagreements before going to court.

2.  Lawyers who support collaborative divorce practices can help reduce the adversarial atmosphere of traditional divorce.

3.  Therapy for yourself and your children can give everyone better coping skills to get through this process with a healthier mental outlook.

4.  Once your case becomes part of the slow-moving legal system, expect postponements and delays. Don't bury your head in the sand about the financial impact of delays; you could be better off with a compromise on certain issues.

5.  Litigation is an adversarial process and can bring out the worst in people. Remain focused on getting issues resolved and avoid emotional antics.

6.  If your case is dragging on for what seem like forever, re-visit the mediation option. Once both parties see how ineffective working out personal family matters in court is, there may be an increased chance for resolution.

7.  Don't be motivated by punishment. Being petty and vindictive has no place in a courtroom and will not be looked upon favorably by the judge.

8.  Keep your children out the courtroom. Divorce is traumatic for children without them even being near a courtroom. Most custody issues can be resolved in less intimidating locations, such as the judge's private chambers.

9.  Your divorce situation is unique, so don't allow well-intentioned friends and family members to stress you out with their own divorce horror stories.

10.  Set up some line-in-the-sand guidelines for dealing with the major issues like child custody and financial provisions. Be willing to compromise on minor issues to speed things along.

It may be challenging to stay calm and positive during divorce litigation, but following the above tips could help you to cope with the day-to-day trials. Your divorce attorney is a vital source of more information about how to get through this process and be ready to begin on a new path. Contact a local attorney, such as one from Topalian & Associates, to see how they can best help fulfill your needs.
