Internal Injuries From Work: What Qualifies For Workers Comp And How To Get Benefits

Workers compensation benefits not only cover physical injuries related to work, but internal injuries that you cannot see, too. Internal injuries include all injuries that impact your ability to breathe, your ability to reproduce, and your ability to digest food in the usual manner. Different work conditions lead to these invisible work injuries that only rear their heads after long-term exposure, or after you have quit a job and suddenly experience health problems that can be tied to the job you left. You are still entitled to workers compensation, regardless of what the health condition is, where you got it from (i.e., current or past job), and you should be able to get your benefits when you apply. Here is more about some of those internal injuries and how to get your benefits. 

Chemical Burns of the Throat, Esophagus, and/or Lungs

There are a lot of chemicals that can be aspirated into your airway and lungs. Most of these chemicals are cleaning agents, which are atomized and sprayed, and then hang in the air before being inhaled. Commercial chemicals all come with MSDS warning sheets, but that does not mean everyone working with those chemicals are required to read the sheets. Chemical burns of your respiratory system are very serious, as you will have to have ongoing treatment the rest of your life to breathe even halfway right. 

Inhalation of Fibers

From rugs and textile fibers to fiberglass insulation fibers, you can breathe in almost any of these and damage your lungs permanently. Some cases are so bad that lungs need to be removed/replaced surgically. If this applies to you, you do qualify for workers comp benefits to cover ongoing healthcare issues and surgery. 

Radiation to Bodily Organs

Some industries and companies work with radioactive substances. Most of the time, these substances are carefully shielded to prevent injury. However, if an employer fails to protect employees from radiation, either through direct or indirect contact with radioactive substances, and employees develop cancer, radiation sickness, loss of reproductive abilities, etc., the employer is responsible for securing workers comp for the exposed employees. 

How to Get Your Benefits

In all of the above examples, there should be no question about receiving benefits. If you are denied benefits, you need to hire a workers compensation attorney and sue to get your benefits. If there is any negligence on the part of your employer or the company in regards to the above internal injuries or similar injuries, you might want to pursue a personal injury case also. 

For more information, contact companies such as Bishop Dorfman Kroupa & Bishop PC.
